Helping You to Discover & Heal the Messages of Illness

Illnesses are symbolic of mental, emotional and spiritual conflicts that can be recognized, owned, forgiven and healed. Explore my books and CDs that use guided imagery, music and relaxation to evoke feelings that need to be recognized and released to help you on the path towards healing.

Holistic Healing Stack of Books

Welcome, Friend

Ready to read more on messages of body, mind and spirit?

Through my years of experience as a clinical social worker, I have written a number of books about wholeness, a holistic approach, emotional, mental and social problems, in addition to the importance of discovering the message of illness. My books are based on the knowledge gained through my education and the experiences of my clients, as well as my own.

Hey there, I’m Eleanor Limmer

I am a professional social worker, counselor, author, playwright and poet with decades of experience focusing on wholeness, wellness and approaching the individual through a holistic method.

My practice of writing poetry is therapeutic to me because it expresses a meaningful connection with nature or an individual. I believe that poetry is the language of the soul, and therefore it heals. During the last twenty years I have written five books on holistic healing, as well as two poetry books.

Quick! Save the Trees!

Return of the Great Round is a musical that I wrote, with accompanying music composed by William Berry, a talented composer and musician with the Spokane Symphony Orchestra. This musical appeals to all ages. It has beautiful music, a profound theme, suspenseful story, romance and humor.

Return addresses the global warming crises we now face with the death of great forests. To heal the earth, this musical looks to the example of the great archetypal leaders Arthur and Merlin for ways we can evolve as individuals and humanity.

Your favorite archetypal leaders Merlin and Arthur meet up with heroine Jeanna in modern day Northern California.

The musical begins and ends in Avalon, a mystical place beyond time and space.

Art is Essential to Healing

Art is the language of the emotions which evokes feelings that need to be recognized and released. Many illnesses are caused by suppressed or denied emotions that can be reached and healed through music. Art and music evokes images from the right brain. It also effects heart beat, blood pressure and other bodily functions. My meditation CDs allow you to explore your inner self and help to identify the underlying causes of illness.

Book Reviews

Susie Weller, Director of Tools for Transformation

 “Eleanor describes complex concepts and makes them easily understandable by providing clear examples with practical applications.” (for The Body Language of Illness)

Susie Weller, Director of Tools for Transformation

Dr. Al Morgan, N.D.

 “There is much more ease and much less struggle in my life after exploring the depths and complexities discussed in this book. I feel grateful for the gifts of choices these ideas offer, as they do not oversimplify my being. This is a practical book with hope and understanding to help us see more clearly what we are. I will be using this as a reference book for self-realization.” (for Blooming; Reaching for Self-Realization)

Dr. Al Morgan, N.D.

Karen Mobley, Author of Trial by Ordeal

 “In Home in the Stream, Eleanor Limmer's personal narrative is loving, sweet tempered, and maternal. Her affinity for nature and the landscape is reflected in observation and resonates with feeling.”

Karen Mobley, author of Trial by Ordeal

Let’s Connect

Do you have a question, want to share your feedback on one of my books or connect about my experience as a holistic counselor? I would love to hear from you!