The Body Language of Illness


The Body Language of Illness offers a clear, effective method of inquiry by which the mental, emotional, and spiritual messages of illness can be discovered, understood, and answered. This method of inquiry allows us to access and understand these messages ourselves, rather than depend upon prescribed lists of general meanings. Through this discovery, the meanings of illness can have a personal significance for us that can help heal us. Illnesses symbolize specific conflicts that can be recognized, understood and healed. This book gives guidelines, chakra issues, bodily cliches and clues as to what the meaning of an illness can be. The function of the body involved in an illness is significant to its meaning. This book is based upon a holistic philosophy.

"If we listen to the whispers of the small cuts and bruises of our lives, we will not have to hear the loud shouts of a major illness... This book is about how you can listen to, understand and answer the messages of illness."

The Body Language of Illness is the first book to offer a clear method of accessing the messages of our illnesses. Louise Hay, in her books, gives us a list of frequent or possible messages associated with conditions, while this book shows us how to learn and understand what the messages are in our specific cases. When we access these messages ourselves, rather than being told what they are or what they have been for others, then these messages impact us much more deeply and therefore have much more potential to heal us. Traditional Western medicine offers a narrow view of illness as a purely accidental, physical event, while The Body Language of Illness proposes the revolutionary concept that we create our own illnesses, and that they are messages to us that can help us to heal and grow.

"Eleanor describes complex concepts and makes them easily understandable by providing clear examples with practical applications. This book is a wonderful resource for those interested in listening to their bodies and integrating these messages with their mind, spirit and emotions."
- Susie Weller, Director of Tools for Transformation

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